Minggu, 22 April 2012

Physics software

Physics is mostly used to compute and accuracy. But perhaps many are still struggling with how to count and accuracy, but today we alhamdulliah facilitated by the increasingly advanced technology, the following physics software that can help us in doing physics :)

. Unit conversion

Unit is very important in Physics. The unit claimed to based on what a scale is formed. But, sometimes for one type of scale, there are several ways to express it into the unit. The actual unit is equivalent to one another. With the help of a unit conversion software can help you in doing the conversion unit.

Unit Conversion Software Download Here

2. Electric Field

The usefulness of this software is that it can help us in studying the theory of static electricity. Another capability of this software is able to provide visualization of the lines of force of a field we can simulate the load and line equipotensial of a charge.

Electric Field Software Download Here

3. thermodynamics Software

This software is useful for studying a branch of physics that is thermodynamics. Software is able to provide an overview of the behavior of ideal gas from various states / processes (isochoric, isobaric, and isothermal).

Thermodynamics Software Download Here

4. Gravitat

As the name implies, this software is useful to provide an overview of gravity of a particle system. Visualization of simulation in the form you will be invited to better understand the way of a work.

Gravitat Software Download Here

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